Special Event
News Release
Landmark Burial Bill
AIAC Scholarship Awardees

For more information on the Trail of Tears Motorcycle
Ride and Commemorative Walk click here
Due to the recently mandated budget cuts for all Alabama Government
state agencies AIAC will now have only one (1) operational voice telephone line,
We will attempt to keep the time of telephone calls down to less than 15 minutes
per call. The best manner to discuss, at length, an issue will be via
email, aiac@att.net.
The agency realizes that some may not have access to the internet, so in that
case sending us a letter will be the best approach. If you have an
issue(s) that you need to speak to us about you will have to persevere in
getting through on the telephone.
Events posted on this website are made on the behalf of the nine (9) state
and/or federally-recognized Indian tribes in the state of Alabama. These events
are in keeping with the historical, cultural, social, and educational programs
hosted or
sponsored by the tribe. This posting in no form or fashion constitutes
nor implies endorsement or sanction by the Alabama Indian Affairs Commission or
the Great State of Alabama. Questions/comments should be directed to